

Jasur Abduraimov: I am satisfied of young players performance and victory

Jasur Abduraimov: I am satisfied of young players performance and victory

  30.04.2017 14:37
Jasur Abduraimov: I am satisfied of young players performance and victory

Pakhtakor head coach has told comments in the post match press conference after Navbakhor game.

Jasur ABDURAIMOV (Pakhtakor head coach): - I want to thank all fans who have come to stadium today. I am grateful to the players, they have played for 150 percent today.

We completed the task on a game. Pakhtakor is a leader of Uzbek football. Players have believed in themselves. I think, everything will be good.

I am very glad for our young goalkeeper Shokhrukh Raimov. He debuted today and has perfectly performed the work. We will be entrust the young players more.

Yes, they need time for adaptation, but think, they will be able easily to enter adult football. Young defender Khushnud Avilov showed good performance.

Манба: www.pakhtakor.uz

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